managing social anxiety
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4 Practical Ways of Managing Social Anxiety

What is Anxiety? By definition, anxiety is the body's response to stressful situations, and this manifests itself as a constant feeling of apprehension about upcoming events. While it is perfectly reasonable to be anxious ahead of a job interview,…
low t impact emotional well being
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Men With Low T Can Experience Emotional and Physical Health Challenges

Men with low T can experience emotional and physical health challenges as well as significant drops in sex drive. Anxiety, irritability, depression and other mood changes are common in men with low T. Low T Can Impact Emotional Well-being Testosterone…
low t impact emotional well being
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Childhood Trauma Linked to Substance Use Disorders

Exposure to childhood trauma has been linked to substance use disorders. Childhood trauma, physical and sexual abuse as well as neglect can create traumatic life experiences. The emotional scars left behind from unresolved trauma can create…