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The Power of Positivity in Addiction Recovery

It is impossible to understate the power of positivity in a life of addiction recovery. The human mind has an unbelievable ability to sway your thoughts and in turn your emotions. Focusing on staying positive when faced with a huge challenge…
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How to Break Free from Addiction: Tips, Steps, and Forming New Habits

Breaking free from addiction is a difficult and arduous task that involves a lot of personal accountability and strength. Luckily there is a clear path and plenty of resources, like this one, that you can turn to on your journey. If you feel…
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Chasing Quantum Sunshine

If you are anything like us you are probably asking “What is Quantum Sunshine?” Don’t worry it isn’t as difficult as it sounds. Quantum sunshine is simply the idea that through life's ups and downs you are able to maintain an unrelenting…