Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why is connection important in a recovery program?
The foundation of our programs and therapy is founded on the ability to build, reconnect, and sustain healthy relationships. Healthy connection is critical in early recovery so that long term results can be enjoyed. We find that connection is one of the leading strengths to prevent relapse for those in any cycle of recovery.
2. Do you actively look for feedback from your clients?
Yes, shared decision making, while developing your flexible and customized treatment plan leads to greater adherence and long-term sobriety. We routinely seek input from our clients on how to improve or tailor our programs to meet their needs.
3. Do you customize your treatment program to meet each client’s personal needs?
Yes, our customized treatment programs are specifically designed for each client by our clinical team. Each program includes a comprehensive approach to specific triggers, challenges and underlying issues that our clients are facing.
4. What is positive psychology?
Positive psychology focuses on strengths and abilities. We help our clients identify, recognize and use their unique talents and positive qualities to address and overcome their challenges.
5. Is there family support available?
Yes. Interaction and connectivity is available for the whole family. Communication, interaction, connection and rebuilding trust is our goal at family night. Families are encouraged to participate in our monthly family night and other therapeutic modalities when appropriate.
6. Do you offer EMDR?
EMDR is a new, non-traditional type of psychotherapy. We utilize EMDR treatment to access and process traumatic memories and other adverse life experiences to produce an adaptive resolution.
7. Do you measure your outcomes?
Yes. We use an evidence-based measurement system that is aimed to support the most effective, measurable and sustainable levels of care in the industry. Our standards support the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) directives and align with all levels of recovery from mental disorders and substance use disorders.
8. How do your standards compare in the industry?
Next Level Recovery is licensed by the State of Utah and is certified by the Joint Commission.
Joint Commission is considered the gold standard accrediting agency of the alcohol and drug rehabilitation industry. Our standard of care, treatment and services are based on quality and a resilience based philosophy approach that has a farther reach than other programs in the industry.
9. Do you take out of state clients?
Yes. We serve clients from all over the United States. We accept most insurance plans and offer financing options for clients who don’t currently have health insurance coverage. Individual arrangements are made for those traveling to Utah to participate in our treatment programs.
10. Do you offer sober living housing?
Yes. We contract with our Sister Company, an exclusive sober living housing provider. Sober Living Properties homes are designed to work in concert with your recovery plan to deliver a more comprehensive and coordinated treatment program.
11. Can I work and/or go to school during treatment?
Yes. Our flexible and convenient outpatient programs allow you to continue to work, go to school, and enjoy life as you undergo treatment. Our care is delivered in our relaxing (non-hospital) environment that will allow you to heal while maintaining an active, mobile, and productive lifestyle.
12. Is insurance accepted for payment?
We accept plans from most nationwide insurance providers. If you don’t have health insurance at this time, we can provide financial options and treatment solutions for you or your loved one. Please call us 24/7 to obtain more information regarding your coverage, benefits, and treatment costs.