Man standing against a wall

Seeing a loved one going through an addiction can be scary. You might not know how to handle their emotions, actions and the chances of relapse. Individuals from “The City That Never Sleeps” to Salt Lake City know how you feel.

During one’s drug addiction, it’s important to stay strong and support them. Here are a few tips that will make saying no less complicated

How to Say No

Saying no to someone facing drug addiction can be hard, especially if it’s a loved one. It’s important to realize that saying no to them is helping them, even if they say it isn’t. By saying no you’re showing support for their recovery process. You may not be trained by an occupational therapist, but you can do it.

Saying no isn’t the only way you can prevent a relapse. If you don’t think you are strong enough to say no, simply change the subject. Avoid talking about drugs altogether. Bring up other things you can do with them like hiking, painting and reading. Though saying no may make your loved one dislike you now, but they’ll thank you at the end.

Staying Strong With Saying No

You’re not alone in the battle of living with an addict. People all across the world area facing it. Make sure you’re not only being strong for them, but for yourself. Though saying no repeatedly drains you, you can pull through it. Remember boundaries when it comes to saying no. Though you are there to support and help them on the road of recovery, you can’t control any of their actions.

When saying no, make sure you are actually helping your loved one. Just saying no again and again, can actually help a relapse. During your loved one’s drug addiction, check up on yourself. Negative feelings towards their recovery can promote the idea of using again. To prevent this join a support group for loved ones of addicts. They can support you during this time and help you find alternate ways to say no.

Saying no to a loved one that is facing addiction can be difficult, but you can do it.

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